The project consortium is composed by 3 partners, whose countries represent a geographical spread of different social policies and practices. They cover both the Southern (Spain and Italy) and Eastern (Bulgaria) parts of Europe.
Website: www.ips‑
Coordinator : IPS-BAS | The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at BAS, Bulgaria
IPS-BAS former Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at BAS (ISSK-BAS) was founded in July 2010 by decision of the General Assembly of the Academy as the successor of the Institute for Philosophical Research, of the Institute of Sociology, and of the Centre for Science Studies and History of Science.
The institution conducts complex theoretical and empirical, fundamental and applied, philosophical, sociological, and science-studies-related research on knowledge, values, Man and society, in accordance with the academic, national, and European criteria and world trends in science, and trains highly qualified specialists in the academic disciplines of philosophy, sociology, science studies, and their sub-divisions.
The priorities are research, analysis, and interpretation of research, combined with post-graduate training (provided by the Institute alone or jointly with related university departments), popularizing of ideas and results, continuance and further development of analysis in classical and recent new fields of social knowledge, such as epistemology and history of philosophy, sociology of social structures.
UCM | Universidad Complutense De Madrid, Spain
UCM is one of the largest Universities in Spain and all around Europe. With a tradition beyond 5 centuries, UCM has become a very important institution in terms of higher education and research activities.
It is home of research groups which are at the cutting edge of research in many areas. The research at UCM is developed through its 26 faculties, 9 associated centres, 37 university research institutes, 7 schools for professional specialisation, 14 university hospitals and medical centres, and 18 research assistance centres.
The Research Group on Agent-based, Social & Interdisciplinary Applications (GRASIA) at UCM, founded in 1998, has large experience in collaborative research efforts between Social and Computer Sciences. On the side of Social Sciences, it has focused on communication and protection of vulnerable groups, with particular attention to refugees, disabled persons and gender perspective; on Computer Sciences, on Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering, particularly on applications of multi-agent systems, collaborative systems, big data processing, and social networks simulation.
UniGe | Universita di Genova, Italy
UniGe is one of the largest universities in Italy. It is located in the city of Genoa and regional Metropolitan City of Genoa, on the Italian Riviera in the Liguria region of northwestern Italy. The original university was founded in 1481. It is one of the most valuable cultural and scientific heritage of the Mediterranean and the Italian north-western area. The University is located throughout the region, with campuses also in Savona, Imperia and La Spezia. It carries out its teaching, research and technology transfer missions thanks to the activities of 5 schools, 22 departments and 11 topics.
The University meets the people’s needs by offering physical resources – schools, departments, study centres, management offices, as well as a computer centre – and human resources – teachers and the administrative staff. The University is strongly engaged in promoting the progress and the values of modern society.
During the Rolli days, the University of Genoa gives citizens and tourists the opportunity to visit many historic buildings included on the UNESCO World Heritage List.