Lecture 7 from the “Gender and Sexuality Studies” Course
The societal influence on sexuality was generally ignored in early sociological texts, which often treated it as a private, individual affair. A transition happened in the mid-twentieth century. Traditional standards were challenged by the sexual revolution, women’s liberation, and movements, prompting interest in studying how societal institutions influence sexuality. The 1970s saw the emergence of critical voices such as Michel Foucault’s “History of Sexuality.” They highlighted the ways in which power, rhetoric, and institutions affect sexual identities and behaviors. This transformation, together with increasing social consciousness and activism, brought sexuality into the subject of sociology, recognizing its importance in comprehending human societies and their dynamics. Aiming to summarize these developments, the main objectives of the lecture are: (1) to explain how human sexuality became a sociological phenomenon shaped and regulated by cultural norms, values, and institutions; (2) to introduce key concepts in the sociology of sexuality as a basis for a more in-depth understanding of the subject; (3) to explore the rich tapestry of theories that underpin sexuality in sociology. From field theory, which investigates sexual encounters as dynamic social fields, to social script theory, which investigates how cultural scripts impact sexual behavior, to macro-sociological theories, which evaluate broader societal consequences on sexuality.
DeLamater, J., & Plante, R. F. (Eds.). (2015). Handbook of the Sociology of Sexualities. Springer.
Kimmel, Michael S. 2011. Тhe Gendered Society. Oxford University Press. NY& Oxford
Rahman, M., & Jackson, S. (2010). Gender and sexuality: Sociological approaches. Polity.
Seidman, S., Fischer, N. L., & Meeks, C. (Eds.). (2011). Introducing the new sexuality studies. Routledge
Lecturer: Dr. Shaban Darakchi, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Date: 20 October 2023
Time: 16:00-18:00 (EET) / (15:00-17:00 CET)
Form of event: Online session via Zoom
Registration: You can register from the button on the right.
Language of the lecture: Bulgarian
More about the course you can find here