The seminar seeks to provide a comprehensive list of the databases, the institutions, the available funding schemes, and the most relevant publications in the field of Gender Studies for scholars that may be newcomers to the area. Throughout the seminar, we will explore the challenges and opportunities gender researchers face in their careers; discuss the potential for the social impact of our work, as well as the alliances that we can establish with grassroots associations and institutions that deal with gender (in)equality across different industries; and talk about the emotional labour and the importance of building communities in a field of knowledge that is so closely tied to affect and identity. Although Gender Studies has been, until very recently, an area of research that has been grossly overlooked and underfunded in various contexts, gender equality is now a top priority of European Union Institutions, so there are numerous opportunities for researchers, professors, trainers, and students that, through their various disciplines, have an interest in feminist thought and in gender and sexuality studies.
Speaker: Lucia Gloria Vázquez Rodríguez
Lucia Vazquez is a Lecturer on Digital Media at University College London specializing in Gender Equality and LGBTIQ+ Studies; she also has an MA in Film and Philosophy from King’s College London and a Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising, and PR from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is part of a highly active research group based in Spain named GECA (Gender, Aesthetics and Audiovisual Culture), and has written her thesis on the representation of desires, bodies, and queer identities in Latin American cinema directed by women. Since 2016, she has been teaching Scriptwriting, Photography for Advertising, and Queer Latin American Cinema at Complutense; she has also run seminars in Gender and Media at Padova University and taught several courses on Women Filmmakers at Leipzig University in Germany. She also participates in the UNESCO-UniTWIN Network on Gender, Media & ICTs, and contributes to the AGEMI (Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries) project as the content manager. Her main areas of interest are Queer and Feminist Screen Studies, Digital Fandom Communities, and Media Literacy, particularly in relation to teenagers, streaming platforms, sexual scripts, and gender roles, areas in which she has published several papers that you can find here.
Date: 4th May 2023 (Thursday)
Start: 16:00 (Eastern European Time)/15:00 (Central European Time)
End: 18:00 (Eastern European Time)/17:00 (Central European Time)
Format: Online session via Zoom
Registration: You may register by clicking the button on the right
Language: English