Lecture 2 from the “Disability and Inclusion” training course
Annotation: Social exclusion is what happens when a particular person or category of persons faces obstacles in an attempt to achieve full social, economic, political or cultural participation in society. Certain groups are more likely than others to experience social exclusion. In the second lecture of our course, we will be discussing some of the key factors in the social exclusion of people with disabilities. In this lecture you will hear about: (1) the connection between unconscious bias and discrimination against people with disabilities in the workplace; (2) the role of assistive technologies in building inclusive environments at universities and workplaces, and (3) the impossibility of achieving academic and professional milestones as an obstacle to social inclusion.
Kaye, H. S., Jans, L. H., Jones, E. C. (2011). Why don’t employers hire and retain workers with disabilities?. // Journal ofOccupational Rehabilitation. Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 526–536.
Sánchez-Díaz, M. N., Morgado, B. (2022). Moving toward the Inclusion of University Students with Disabilities: Barriers, Facilitators, and Recommendations Identified by Inclusive Faculty. // The Journal of Continuing Higher Education. Vol. 70, No. 3, pp. 175–191.
Soares, E. B. (2019). Inclusion of professionals with disabilities in the workplace: challenges for the
Human Resources Management. // Gestão & Produção. Vol. 26, No. 3, e2871.
Lecturer: Dr Aleksandra Traykova, IPS – BAS
Date: 28 February 2023
Start: 16:00 (EЕТ)
End: 17:30 (EET)
Format: Online session via Zoom
Registration: You may register by clicking the button on the right
Language: Bulgarian
More about the ‘Social Inclusion and Disability’ course you can find here.