We are happy to announce MILIEU’s next initiative related to enhancing IPS and BAS competencies for project proposal drafting and management.
The course will be a practical activity of supervised preparation of proposals for the Marie Curie program. Once a month, for 7 months, program participants will participate in a workshop (2 hours) after which they will independently develop a specific part of their application for the program. Based on winning projects and the experience of colleagues who won a grant under the program, all participants will receive comments and recommendations on the final version of their project.
The main goal of the initiative is to prepare draft proposals for the competition session in 2023, and the application deadline is usually mid-September.
Under the new program rules, eligible applicants must have no more than 8 years of research experience after completing their Ph.D. For the competition session in 2023, those who received their doctorate after September 15, 2015, will be eligible to participate.
We invite all interested colleagues from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at BAS who meet the conditions and wish to develop their own project under the program to an information meeting where both the program itself and the project preparation initiative will be presented. The call is also open to PhD students who want to develop skills in writing a Marie Curie project and prepare their topic to apply after a successful defense.
Those wishing to enroll in the course will have this opportunity after the information meeting scheduled for 09.12. 2002 (Friday) from 17.00 in Zoom.
More about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions you can find on the Horizon Europe page of the program here.
Please note that registration is required. You can register from the button on the right.
Topic: Introduction to Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship program: project preparation course
Lecturer: Shaban Darakchi
Date: 09 December 2022 / Friday/
Time: 17:00
Duration: 1.30 hours
Location: online, link after registration
Language: Bulgarian