Due to the high interest and popular demand, we continue our Practical Courses Series with a short session specifically focused on funding opportunities and scholarship grants for Ph.D. students in social sciences and humanities. The practical course will cover grants for conferences, research stays, seminars, and training in Bulgaria and abroad. The main goals of the course are:
(1) to present different sources of funding and
(2) to prepare young scolars and PhD students to develop their own strategies for finding and managing appropriate sources of funding for their research and practical projects.
The course is designed for doctoral students and scientists in the early stages of their careers (up to 4 years from the beginning of their academic career), but established scientists could also attend.
Please note that registration is required. You can register from the button on the right.
Lecturer: Shaban Darakchi
Date: 24 November 2022 / Thursday /
Time: 15:30
Duration: 1.30 hours
Location: online, link after registration
Language: Bulgarian