Покана за уебинари: Scopus и ScienceDirect

Покана за уеб семинари на Elsevier за изследователи, докторанти и библиотекари

Щастливи сме да споделим с Вас новината за предстояща поредица от уебинари на Elsevier, целящи да запознаят изследователите от Източна Европа с основните характеристики на ScienceDirect и Scopus, както и с начините, по които базите данни биха могли да улеснят и подпомогнат изследователска работа. Информация за по-важните семинари може (на английски) може да видите в таблицата по-долу. 

Пълен списък на събитията и възможностите, които те предоставят, можете да видите на  страницата на Elsevier тук.

Ако смятате, че би било полезно да осъществим семинар специално за българска аудитория и/или за учени от БАН, моля да ни пишете, за се свържем с Elsevier. 

ScienceDirect – overview and key featuresThe webinar will focus on key features of ScienceDirect that will help scientific and academic audience to become more efficient and productive in their research.
 Date: November 9, 2022Time: 2 p.m. CET Register: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mxv0_2uVRtqhyay3v-yGdgAccess code: 820706 
Academic Integrity – Plagiarism and how to avoid itIn this webinar we look at some definitions for plagiarism and offer practical advice on how you can steer clear of this unethical behavior. You’ll come away with a clear understanding of what constitutes plagiarism and the forms of original work it applies to. You’ll learn the principles and importance of correct citation.
 Date: November 10, 2022Time: 1 p.m. CET Register: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tYX5TqGoTNa9xHS3Ap-BYgAccess code: 310497 
ScienceDirect and Scopus – how to find relevant literature effectively?Join this training to learn principles of a smart journal search. Find out how you can best use Scopus to support you in your research projects. We will go through how to best build your search and narrow it down. The training includes several on-line workflow examples, and the participants are welcome to take active part.
 Date: December 7, 2022Time: 2 p.m. CET Register: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_80TOSvuwRPizih-hizzbXAAccess code: 465348 
Understanding Scopus author profiles This training provides insight into how profiles are created and curated, with tips for ensuring that your profile is correct and up-to-date. Author Profiles are increasingly important for assessing collaborators, providing you a competitive advantage when preparing job applications.
 Date: December 8, 2022Time: 1 p.m. CET Register: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3r0hcWA4RP2j_qOIYoLQNAAccess code: 961928