2022 Varna Summer School “Responsible research and innovation and participation in research projects”

The 20220 Varna Summer School was held jointly by MILIEU and IPS on 12-16 September 2022

The diverse and very rich program of the Summer school included several training courses and workshops aimed at developing the scientific capacity of young scholars related to RRI. Among the most important were the courses: “RRI and gender in research” (lecturer Rita Bencivenga), “Sustainability and inclusion policies in research-performing institutions and higher education institutions” (lecturer Angela Celeste Taramasso), “RRI and inclusion in research with a focus on disability” (lecturer Anna Siri).

Important initiatives of the Summer School were also the lectures of distinguished psychologists and pioneers of art therapy: “Art therapy: the impact of the image” (lecturer Vladimir Nikitin) and “Art therapy and social integration – Specific aspects of parent-child relations and intra-family interaction in the context of providing psychological and social assistance to the family” (lecturer Vadim Sayakin).

The Summer school also featured a series of activities aimed at boosting the academic potential of the Ph.D. students such as the Doctoral panels, the series of hands-on workshops “Advanced Techniques for Enhancing Creative Thinking” and the Workshop “Research walk: the recent past from a responsible research and innovation perspective”.
