Third Interdisciplinary PhD forum of BAS

The forum is intended for doctoral students studying at BAS, universities and other scientific organizations. The event aims to provide young people with the opportunity to share their scientific ideas, encourage interdisciplinary thinking, support the exchange of scientific knowledge, create conditions for creative teamwork, and communicate with business representatives and colleagues.
Venue: Park Hotel Kyustendil

Dates: 06-07.06.20202

PhD students can participate in the forum by presenting their research in the form of a report (PowerPoint presentation) or a poster. The submission of reports is limited to 10 minutes. The size of the posters should not exceed 70/100 cm.
Doctoral students wishing to participate in the event with a report or poster are required to complete a Registration and Resume Form and send it to e-mail:
More information here:

Registration form and resume can be downloaded from the website of the Training Center – BAS