PART II of the “Legal and ethical issues of EU Programmes” short course
Requirements to comply with ethical rules have been an important aspect for approval and present as a provision for EC-funded projects since the establishment of the framework and grant programs and are, with each subsequent program period, increasingly refined.
The seminar will examine the ethical principles and rules applicable to the research projects funded by European Union, as reflected in the project proposal and the grant agreement regulating the relationships between the European Commission or other EU Granting Authority and the Beneficiaries of grants of the European Union.
Lecturer: Roberto Cippitani
Roberto Cippitani is Jean Monnet Chairholder, Professor of Private Law, Lecturer of Biolaw, Department of Law, Università degli Studi di Perugia; Chairholder (Chair ISAAC) at UNED – Universidad Nacional a Distancia (Madrid); Professor at INDEPAC – Instituto Nacional de Estudios Superiores en Derecho Penal (Mexico) and at the Escuela Judicial del Poder Judicial del Estado de Oaxaca (Mexico); former Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Rights and Science”; Associated Researcher at CNR-IFAC. Responsible or staff member of several projects funded under EU programmes (Jean Monnet, Erasmus, Tempus, ESF, Framework Programmes). Visiting Professor and Researcher of Biolaw and Law of Research and Innovation in several EU and Latin America Universities. Ethics advisor of research projects. Author of more than 160 monographs and articles (in Italian, English, and Spanish) concerning legal and ethical issues of the R&I activities.
Date: 12th April 2023 (Wednesday)
Start: 16:00 (Eastern European Time)/15:00 (Central European Time)
End: 18:00 (Eastern European Time)/17:00 (Central European Time)
Format: Online session via Zoom
Registration: You may register by clicking the button on the right
Language: English